While the past few years have shown us that all sorts of things can come ‘out of the blue’, there are ways to help yourself feel more in control financially. And one of these ways is having the right insurance cover for your needs and situation.
If you’d like to grant yourself some peace of mind, here’s how insurance can make a difference.
Protecting your family
A common concern for a lot of people is taking care of their families. And sometimes, this means going through some tough but necessary questions.
How would you ensure that your kids were well looked after, if you were not around? Could your spouse continue to pay the mortgage if you were no longer bringing an income into the household?
Insurance can take some of this weight off your shoulders. We can show you how to set up a policy, whether that’s life insurance, income protection or another form of personal risk cover, to step in and look after your loved ones financially if you’re not able to.
Safeguarding your income
For many of us, our incomes are our biggest financial asset. If you’re in a growth phase of your life, maybe paying off a home loan or working hard to build your assets, you are probably relying heavily on the money that comes in each fortnight or month from your job or business. Whatever your circumstances, we can show you how insurance could help you secure continuity of income.
Streamlining your health needs
Being unwell and needing a medical procedure can be difficult. New Zealand’s health system is generally great for catering for emergencies, but if you have a longer-term, or less acute, condition, you may find yourself waiting a long time for treatment – and it’s up to the public hospital system to determine when and where you’ll receive it. Health insurance may be an option to give you a bit more control and remove some of the stress of having to go on a potentially long waiting list before receiving treatment.
Not relying on friends and family
Without insurance in place, it’s not uncommon for people to have to turn to friends and family, or even the generosity of the community, to raise money for treatments that are not funded by the public system. If you’d like to make sure you don’t have to rely on Givealittle to pay for a non-Pharmac funded medication you need, we can help you work out what insurance cover might help.
Like to talk?
Insurance can be the ultimate financial tool for peace of mind. If you’d like to talk about how you could turn some of your worries into insurance policies this year, get in touch with us today.
Disclaimer: Please note that the content provided in this article is intended as an overview and as general information only. While care is taken to ensure accuracy and reliability, the information provided is subject to continuous change and may not reflect current developments or address your situation. Before making any decisions based on the information provided in this article, please use your discretion and seek independent guidance.